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(1. /or/ex lightbox) Widerstaende (resistors)
Seyfrieds 2005
(2. /or/ex lightbox) Siemens Pocket Reader Ebay-Foto 1
(3. /or/ex lightbox) Siemens Pocket Reader Ebay-Foto 2
(5. /or/ex lightbox) Monitore
EGA/VGA, ECL (Sigma L-View)
(11. /or lightbox) siemens pocketreader (ebay shot)
(14. /or/ex lightbox) tank fuer wasserkuehlung, eheim 1005 aquarienpumpe
(15. /or/ex lightbox) wasserkuehlung, auslaufmodell (no pun intended)
(16. /or/ex lightbox) ppa3 zip250 parallel with 240 v ac power supply
(17. /or/ex lightbox) zip100p ipp parallel port zip (untested)
(18. /or/ex lightbox) specs for zip100p ipp parallel port zip (untested)
(19. /or/ex lightbox) ppa3 zip250p parallel with 240 v ac power supply
part number 04018d01
manufactured in 1999
(21. /or/ex lightbox) Dremel in Proxxon-Staender mit Mutter von Clausen (Neubaugasse 71)
Achtung: von dem gelben Teil gibt es zwei Varianten - nur die mit dem extra-Aluminiumring kann ohne diesen die Mutter spannen!
(23. /or lightbox) Onn OM001 900W Microwave schematics
Was glued to the inside of the oven
Serial: 079-52050603866 10300
Barcode: 27651261
(24. /li/or/ex lightbox) defective Bitchain ATM in Centre Comercial Arenas de Barcelona
(25. /or/ex lightbox) bms-jbd-sp20-s001-20s board
all 6 MOSFETS (C/P) are knb2910a
Software peculiarities: in contrast to the documented a5 response this one answers back the command code (dd a5 05 ... -> dd 04 00 28):
test script
(26. /or/ex lightbox) bms-jbd-sp20-s001-20s board
all 6 MOSFETS (C/P) are knb2910a
Software peculiarities: in contrast to the documented a5 response this one answers back the command code (dd a5 05 ... -> dd 04 00 28):
test script
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(c) Alexander Oelzant-Faderler (aoe) <>
Be nice or else I'll replace you with a very small
shell script