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Nicaragua 1992/Managua, graffiti in park/viva FSLN/muerte a Aleman/hijo de puta aleman/aqui estamus cuidate/m.22./6 % ya/(of the budget for education, current issue)/al pueblo se respeta o lo hacemos respetar nos/(you have to pay respect to the people or we will make you respect us)

(9. lightbox)

Nicaragua 1992
Managua, graffiti in park
viva FSLN
muerte a Aleman
hijo de puta aleman
aqui estamus cuidate

6 % ya
(of the budget for education, current issue)

al pueblo se respeta o lo hacemos respetar nos
(you have to pay respect to the people or we will make you respect us)

Nicaragua 1992/palacio nacional

locked unlock up
- ../1990 USA - ../1990 sonstiges - ../1991 Oesterreich - ../1991 USSR - ../1991 red carpet - ../1991 sonstiges - ../1992 entwicklungshelferInnentreffen - ../1992 griechenland - ../1992 herbst festl - ../1992 herbst seyfrieds - ../1992 jenners feuerzangenbowle - ../1992 mauthausen - ../1992 nicaragua - ../1992 schule - ../1992 sommer sonstiges - ../1992 sportwoche - ../1992 winter fruehjahr sonstiges - ../1993 05 song contest - ../1993 06 promotion angie - ../1993 weihnachten USA - ../1994 frankreich - ../1994 sonstiges - ../1995 el salvador - ../1995 sonstiges - ../1996 05 01 demo - ../1996 06 - ../1996 guatemala - ../1997 1998 - ../franz scan export